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From Anzł looking towards the Mount Miesna you can see the beautiful Sancturary of the patron saints of Feltre, Vittore e Corona. It was founded in 1096 by the powerful Giovanni da Vidor and consecrated in 1101 by his son Arpone, bishop of Feltre. Its southern side was incorporated into the fortification system of the town and maintained for this purpose up to 1400, when the defensive forts were pulled down by the Serenissima Venetian Republic. In the next centuries the sacred place would be ruled by the Fiesole friars of San Gerolamo, then since 1669 by the Somaschi Fathers and lately since 1852 by the Grey-Franciscan Friars.

A pleasant road with a splendid 17th-century Via Crucis goes up to the Monastery. The Via Crucis was commissioned by the Somaschi Fathers who has ruled the place since 1669.

perron S.vittore

The Church features a 11th- 12th-century faēade and depicts the saints Vittore, Gerolamo and Agostino. Inside, several and remarkable frescos dating back to 12th-13th-14th- and 15th-centuries. In the centre of the apse stands out the Arch of the martyrs Vittore and Corona which is placed on a small loggia with capitals (1440). Remarkable are the gothic inscription which recall the visit of Charles IV (1355) and the marble catedra of the Feltre bishops (to which were assigned thaumaturgic powers in ancient times). Outside the cloister are the 17th-century lunettes depicting the Miracles of San Vittore. Inside, the art collection dating back from 16th to 18th century is worth a visit.

he Christian legionary Vittore as well as Saint Corona, who had tried to protect him, suffered martyrdom by the Roman prefect Sebastiano. According to the legend, the tortured corpses were carried by sea and by land along the Piave river up to Anzł. Right in this point, the horses carrying the corpses by approaching the Mount Miesna didn't want to move any further. A local old lady led the cart which stopped right in the point where the Sanctuary was later on built up and which is considered as the place chosen by the martyrs. The Celebration of the patron saint falls on 14 May.


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