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On the way from Feltre to Foen ,just before entering the small town, lies the church of S. Anna and the annex cemetery. The church features some frescos dating back to the end of 1200, according to some experts, and even to 1500 according to others. The most interesting work depicts a Madonna with Child and Saint. The parish church of Villabruna, a division of Feltre, is dedicated to San Giorgio (1821) and features a Madonna with Child, San Vittore and S. Giorgio by Lorenzo Luzzo as well as a "S.Pietro liberato dalle catene" (San Pietro freed from chains) by Pietro Marescalchi which was executed for the convent of San Pietro in Vincoli in Feltre and transferred to the church in 1892. In Fianema the remarkable frescos contained in the medieval church of Immacolata are worth a visit. In Colvago, former site of a castle, you can enjoy the visit of the remarkable small church of San Clemente. Ask for the entrance key to the adjacent neighbourhood. Recent restoration works, thanks to the support of the Monuments and Fine Arts Office, have brought to light some frescos (the Crucifixion above the altar and the Madonna with Child on the left side wall. The wall behind the Altar shows an inscription dating back to 12 April 1746.

Remarkable from the archaeological point of view are the churches of San Martino and Callibago, located in the same village after Colvago. The first church features an altar dedicated to Giove Ottimo Massimo, which served as a support to the altar as well as a funerary stone belonging to Publius Turranius (see archaeological relics). The second church, known as Church of Santa Lucia, contains a small altar embedded in the wall belonging to Hostilia Serena for Ludrianus (today only the copy is embedded in the wall) dating back to the 1st century AD.

Andrea Schiavone" S.Agnese e S.Giovanni Battista" Mel churche dell'Adolorata

In Mel, at the end of the square and with the Archaeological Museum on one side lies the 18th-century parish church featuring frescos by Giovanni de Min, Giovanni da Mel, Pietro Marescalchi. A few steps away is the church of Addolorata (whose original nucleus may date back to 15th century) with some 15th-century works (a Pietà by the German school, the font dating to 1481, the tabernacle of 1465).

On the main road from Mel to Lentiai lies on the left side the small church of Bardiés which has always belonged to the parish of Lentiai. The church dedicated to Sant'Antonio Abate may have medieval origins although the first information date back to 1515 (a manuscript showing all the churches existing in the area around Lentiai). The church features 15th- and 16th century frescos, some of which executed by Giovanni and Marco da Mel (18 cycles depicting the life of Sant'Antonio), some others by Cesare Vecellio. Remarkable is the tempera depicting a Madonna with Child, Sant'Antonio Abate and Sant'Andrea always by Giovanni da Mel in 1522.



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