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Villa Tauro - Pullir di Cesiomaggiore


Sorriva is the first town after the bridge Oltra. The Church of San Giorgio lying on a fortified settlement offers a remarkable example of 16th-century art, with its frescos by Andrea Nasocchio di Bassano (1514). The cycle of frescos on the presbytery depict San Giorgio with the Drake, Sant'Antonio Abate, prophets and Fathers of the Church besides grotesqueries and putti. Moreover, above the works present in the nave there should have been a cycle of frescos presumably executed by Marco da Mel. Peculiar are the inscriptions on the walls, among which one shows the year 1529.

On the way towards Servo you come across a fork leading to Zorzoi. Off the main road, through a path in the wood you can reach the fine church of San Rocco (also reachable from the road going from Sorriva to Servo). It was consecrated in 1576 by Bishop Filippo Maria Campeggio. Remarkable is the painting by Frigimelica (Madonna in gloria) currently located in the dean church of Servo

Chiesa S.Maria Assunta_Govanni da Mel "S.Antonio Abate"


Going up towards Col dei Mich you can admire the fine 16th-century church of San Zenone (presumably built on a watch tower) : Bishop of Verona in the 4th century. Leading off the church is a mosaic via crucis by the contemporary artist A. Bottegal. Inside a marmor altar of Byzantine manufacture, altar attributed to Marco da Mel depicting the Beata Vergine between the Saints Zenone and Silvestro as well as painting with San Giuseppe attributable to Frigimelica (16th- and 17th-century works).

rrived at Servo, seat of the Town Hall, you need to peer through the houses to discover the late-medieval church of Santa Maria Assunta (originally dedicated to the Beata Vergine). It features some remarkable frescos dating back to 1300 (Annunciation and Santa Caterina; Last Supper with lobsters, presumably executed by Giovanni di Francia (15th century), and possible author of the frescos at Santa Giustina in Pedesalto. Other works dating back to 1514 are attributed to Giovanni da Mel, (Sant'Antonio Abate, the Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and the preaching of San Giovanni Battista), to Marco da Mel (Baptism of Christ, tempera on board 1534) and to Frigimelica (Sant'Antonio Abate, San Gottardo, San Valentino). It is presumably the most ancient building of the upland, already mentioned in a Papal bull in 1185.


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